Every week and in every edition of the Gazette, we include community news from around Basingstoke and surrounding villages.


Chineham WI enjoyed an interesting and fun tales of Fawlty Towers at their last meeting and their next meeting will feature Nigel Knott talking about 'Canine partners – Amazing Dogs Transforming Lives', and not just for the pet lovers in attendance. The meeting will start at 7.30pm on 27th March at Christ Church in Chineham. 

Pop along and join them for a cuppa and a chat too. They are a friendly bunch which enjoys events, be it crafting, playing games, or absorbing the speaker chosen for the group. They lunch each month at a venue chosen by the members and are known to enjoy an evening meal as a special occasion.

You'll be very welcome at their monthly evening held in Christ Church, Reading Road in Chineham. For more information call 02380616712, email reception@hampshirewi.org.uk, or call 07588533340.

British science week concluded on the 19th March. This year’s theme was “Connections!“. However, Chineham Library has titles on BorrowBox for “groundbreaking science, to expand your mind“ to be found at https://bit.ly/3y1H0Yv, and for the children, https://bit.ly/3ZfuOPC.

Fiona Biermann



The village celebrated Mothering Sunday last weekend. Festivities began on Saturday morning, with dads and children attending St Leonard’s in the morning to make posies for the lovely ladies in their lives. I understand that breakfast and coffees were on hand to sustain the workers! The posies were then presented in the Family Service on Sunday morning, as part of a celebration which included a performance by the Children’s Singing Group. It was such a happy occasion with a great turnout, and we were delighted that the sun also shone for us.

Next, a quick reminder about the annual Cliddesden Spring Clean, which meets at the pond at 10am on Saturday (25th). All are welcome; bags and pickers provided.

And, finally, a notice that the April Coffee Morning will be held on Monday 3rd April. This has been moved up a week to the first Monday of the month, to make way for Easter. Come along to the Millennium Hall between 10.30am and noon to enjoy table tennis, book and stationery stalls and, of course, hot drinks and cake.

Helen Walker


Hatch Warren and Beggarwood

Letter From Sir David Attenborough: There is a heart-warming story on the St Mark's School website concerning a nine-year-old pupil who is an admirer of Sir David Attenborough, and wrote to him. He received back a personal and hand-written reply, which he will no doubt treasure for the rest of his life.

Brighton Hill Roundabout: Traffic is now being routed onto the new 'inner' lanes of the revised roundabout whilst new surfaces are laid on the outer sections. The previous restrictions on going all the way round the roundabout have been lifted. Navigating is very much a question of 'follow the cones' at the moment, but the traffic appears to be moving reasonably well and it is clear that significant progress has been made over the last couple of weeks.

Lloyds Pharmacy: A reminder that the pharmacy inside Hatch Warren's Sainsbury store will be closing on April 22nd, so customers will need to identify an alternative and change the instructions on their repeat prescriptions. I understand that there will not be a replacement pharmacy moving into the store and the space will be equipped with shelving and incorporated into the main shop.

St Mark's School Run: I have been picking up worried comments regarding the blocking of Danebury Road during the 'school run' hours. The school encourages parents to use the Community Centre car park, which is only a short walk across Woodbury Road, with a school crossing patrol in place to help. If more parents could do that, the reduction of Danebury Road to single lane would be mitigated.

Break-in: Reports on social media that the Co-op store in Beggarwood was victim of a break-in on the night of 16th/17th March. The damage caused a delay to opening and the Post Office was closed for a while. This sort of event must come as a terrible shock to the staff there.

Stephen Reid



Kempshott Women’s Institute meets at the Village Hall on Monday at 2.30pm to hear about the life of bees. One of its founding principles over a hundred years ago was rural education and it’s certainly very relevant today to know how to help pollinators. Guests are welcome and new members particularly so.
The Parish of Basingstoke Down invites you to a Messy Easter. Come and join them for games, craft, food, fun and the Easter story from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at St. Mark’s School on Saturday 1st April. Bring along your family and friends. Places need to be booked on parishofbasingstokedown.org.uk/events/easter-messy-church-2.

Diana Manville



Oakley resident is awarded Hampshire High Sheriff Award: In 2021 collaborative youth workshops with Basingstoke Unites Against Racism, Queen Mary’s College and the local police force established a forum to challenge and better understand Stop and Search practices.

With help from Effie Blankson, Katherine Bejide established a team of trained advocates across seven educational establishments to provide direct and trusted support and advocacy for children with the local police.

Katherine’s non-stop passion and enthusiasm is driving change. Katherine is empowering youth with a voice and an opportunity to build trust and legitimacy.

This scheme is being taken up across the county and is supported by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary.

Their dedication to the community is to be commended. Well done Katherine!

Oakley Kids Easter Egg Hunt: Friday 7th April 10.30am-2pm.

Just follow the clues around Oakley! Download your answer sheet from ocaoakley.org.uk or pick up a sheet on the day from OCA table in Barley Mow car park Claim your Easter treat from the OCA table in Barley Mow car park before 2pm on the day.

Oakley front Garden Stalls: Saturday 24th June 12noon to 4.00pm.

Visit a wide range of stalls all around Oakley - full details and booking form on ocaoakley.org. Book your stall by Saturday 17th June Village map available of stalls in the following week.

Twelve Hours -  The story of Jane Austen’s engagement: Performance at St Lawrence Church, Wootton St Lawrence, Friday 14th April at 7.30pm.

Promoter: Friends of St Lawrence. Contact Teresa Bates on 07771540709 or email: friends@oww.church 

The beautiful and ancient church at Wootton St Lawrence is a place of worship, and a site of historical importance. The Friends of St Lawrence intend to provide a more welcoming space that is open, accessible to all and flexible enough to enable worship and other community initiatives to flourish. The Friends aim to provide toilet facilities and a kitchen to encourage greater use of the building for drama, art, exhibitions and music. The church will be a space to be used by a growing local community.

To raise funds for this, Twelve Hours, a play by Phil Howe will be performed again in the church. The play is about a real event. Jane Austen accepted of an offer of marriage from Harris Bigg-Wither, the owner of the Manydown estate and rejected it twelve hours later.

It is a big decision to say, “Yes,” to a marriage proposal. It is an even bigger decision to change your mind overnight.

The one woman monologue recreates an intense event in her life that is often overlooked. This drama is approached with sentiment, humour and respect.

The work is to be performed by actor Kerry Fitzgerald, who trained at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and directed by Nick and Becky Kitter of Scratchbuilt productions.

The play, which lasts approximately 55 mins will be performed as a costumed read-through. Phil Howe will be available afterwards for a Q&A session and signings of the book, Twelve Hours.

Doors open 6.30pm, performance starts 7.30pm. Complimentary drink on arrival.

Tickets are £15, available from TwelveHoursPlay.eventbrite.co.uk.

The next Oakley Health Walk will take place on Sunday 26th March 2.30pm from Beach Park Car Park for a walk to Malshanger.

Tiffany Wise


Old Basing and Lychpit

The Women’s Section of Old Basing Royal British Legion would dearly love to have more members but they have decided to soldier on as in August they will be celebrating their 80th birthday. Over the years, the ladies have supported the branch in many and varied activities as well as playing vital roles in the Poppy Appeal. The group meet every fourth Thursday of the month; the next meeting being this Thursday at 7.30pm. The Women’s Section enjoy a range of things in their meetings including listening to speakers, competitions, meals out etc. If you would like to meet new people whilst supporting a worthwhile cause just pop along to one of their meetings which take place in the Jack Morris Hall. All are welcome to join whether or not you have links to the armed forces.

A reminder that the Warm Hub at Lychpit Community Hall comes to an end this month. The last date being Thursday 30th March.

Keen gardeners will no doubt be sowing seeds and perhaps thinning out seedlings now that the days are longer and warmer. If you are able to please try to save a few extra plants for the OBAGS plant sale in May and St Mary’s Flower Festival in June. Flowering plants, vegetables and cuttings will all be very welcome.

Elspeth Lee



Comedy Night: Longbridge Mill are very excited to announce an evening of top-class comedy with their new Comedy Night on April 5. Entry is free, bookings taken on 01256 883483.

Coronation Mug: Just a reminder that if you have a child/children under 18, you can apply for a free Coronation Mug to mark the Coronation of King Charles. All details provided will only be used by the parish council to order the required amount and we need to know where you live! Please contact clerk@sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk to apply.

Happy Faces Playgroup are pleased to announce that the Easter Egg Hunt is taking place on Saturday, 1st April, 10am-12pm at the Liddell Hall. They say: “We’re excited to be able to host this fun-filled event again, and we hope you'll be able to join us. With our Easter egg hunt fast approaching, we're kindly asking our Happy Faces families and local businesses for chocolate and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) donations for our tombola stalls.

“Unopened/unwanted chocolate or drink items will be accepted and greatly appreciated.

“We hope to raise much-needed funds for new playgroup equipment and supplies for the children.”

Chris Horton