A BOWLING club in Basingstoke has received a boost with new sponsorship from a retirement home company.

Oakley Bowling Club has agreed to a partnership for the 2023 season with Churchill Retirement Living.

The partnership involves green-side advertising, alongside internal advertising and other initiatives over the season.

Churchill is currently developing the old police station in London Road turning it into a new independent retirement living development called Austen Lodge.

READ MORE: A look back at history of Basingstoke's Oakley Bowling Club

Oakley club’s publicity and fundraising officer Colin Statham said: “As a local bowls club that receives no ongoing local authority support, unlike other bowls clubs in the area, it is important we look at opportunities to bring additional income into the club to keep our fees competitive.

“Partnering with an organisation like Churchill Retirement Living is one vehicle that drives mutual benefits for both parties and we look forward to working with Churchill throughout the season with various initiatives.”

Oakley’s first open day of the season will be on Saturday, April 29 between 10am and 4pm. People can try their hand at bowls alongside getting details of the Churchill apartments available.

The club is signposted off the B3400 by the Beach Arms Hotel.

To find out more about the apartments launching soon, call Churchill on 0800 077 4594 referencing Oakley Bowling Club.