A PRE-SCHOOL in a village near Basingstoke has been given a ‘good’ rating four years after it was graded ‘outstanding’.

Cuckoo Meadow Preschool in Rathbone Pavillion, Church Road, North Waltham, received a ‘good’ grade in quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development; and leadership and management.

The Ofsted inspection was conducted on December 6.

The school was previously graded ‘outstanding’ in an Ofsted inspection on May 2, 2017.

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This time, the report observed that staff need to develop skills more consistently taking advantage of opportunities to extend children's communication and language further.

However, the Ofsted inspector found that children are very happy entering “this homely pre-school”.

The report said: “The children separate from parents with ease and settle quickly. They are greeted by friendly staff who make them feel secure and safe. Children are comfortable approaching staff and have strong relationships.

“Staff rotate resources each day depending on children's interests. They make good use of the spacious outside space, large field and playground. This extends children's learning opportunities and development.

“Children behave well, and staff consistently reinforce their expectations. As a result, the pre-school is a calm and relaxing environment. Children interact well with each other and make friends. They demonstrate respect for staff, their peers and outside visitors, such as the local vicar.”

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The report also praised the staff for their focus on developing children's social skills, as they identified this was an area impacted by the Covid pandemic.

“They support children who speak English as an additional language (EAL) and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) effectively. For example, they encourage communication skills with a range of strategies, such as by using photographs and word cards.

“A visual timetable is available and children are encouraged to identify what is happening next. Makaton is widely used with all children to assist in their learning and understanding. This helps ensure all children are included.”

Cuckoo Meadow Pre-school was registered in 2003.

It is in receipt of funding for the provision of free early education to children aged two, three and four years. There are five staff working with the children, all of whom hold appropriate qualifications at level 3 to level 6.