A SCHOOL in Basingstoke is planning two new initiatives to help students from around the area to get involved.

Brighton Hill Community School is planning to organise a free street cricket programme and a free open day for a performing arts academy.

The free street cricket event will be held on Tuesday, January 31.

It is being organised in partnership with Hampshire Cricket Board, Southern Brave team, Chance to Shine Street cricket and Vivid.

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Interested children aged 9-15 are urged to head to the school's indoor sports hall via the community entrance to the left of the school.

To secure a place, contact Sam Moss via sam.moss@ageasbowl.com, or call 07384115633.

The open day for The Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts will be held on Saturday, January 28.

The academy is enrolling on musical theatre, comedy and drama, and film and TV.
You can register your place via ben.lewis@pqacademy.com