THE former mayor of Basingstoke has called for a special fund to be set up to help people in conservation areas replace their windows.

Cllr Onnalee Cubitt, who was the Mayor of Basingstoke in 2021, called for the establishment of a means-tested reserve account at an economic, planning and development committee meeting on Thursday, November 3.

The request was made in response to a report put together by a task and finish panel on the preservation of the character of villages near Basingstoke and sustainable development in conservation areas.

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The proposed account would be made accessible to people who live in conservation areas and need to replace wood sash windows with ones with double glazing, allowing them to apply for financial help with replacing their windows.

Cllr Cubitt explained: “Instead of waiting for Natural England to do something, I think we need to be innovative in Basingstoke, and we love our conservation areas in Basingstoke town, but we also know that some of the people who live there are not as wealthy as some.

“So, I was wondering whether the council could consider a reserve account, which would be means tested, and then have a design code which required wooden sash windows with double glazing that would be in keeping with the beautiful streets that we are very proud of and the people love.”

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She continued: “There’s a massive problem with people who live in older buildings with mortgages and whatever the code is that they have to meet in terms of energy.

“And again, you have that same problem with some of the elderly who live in really beautiful parts of our town that we’re very proud of.

“That would keep the elderly warm, and we should absolutely be trying to do things like that for people who can’t afford the sash windows.

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“But also, we ought maybe to be looking in the round on those conservation areas, for supporting them putting in things that ordinarily they wouldn’t be able to because it’s a conservation area.”

Cllr Laura James seconded Cllr Cubitt’s idea, saying: “I think it is something that we should definitely be looking at.

“Within my own ward there are lots of people that are living in those properties that are not in that position to be able to and are struggling and are cold, and the house isn’t suitable for their needs at the moment.”