Dear Editor,

Many of us that understand the causes of climate change, including much of the scientific community, recognise that growth which relies on ever-increasing consumption and population is at the heart of the problem.

None of us is killing our ecosystems through malice, we are simply conditioned to obey the growth mantra, so we know nothing different. Our imagination and innate ingenuity have both been carefully stifled by coercive consumerism and pronatalism all our lives. Humanity is locked into climate and ecological collapse and still doing all the wrong things as we remain in the mindset of endless economic growth. 

Sir David Attenborough said: “Anyone who believes that continuous growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.”

The rate of per capita consumption and the global population continues to increase. The growth agenda is not only completely lacking in intelligence and common sense, it is, in many cases, greedy, selfish and above all - insane!

Yet, still, politicians continue to call for more economic growth. This is in direct conflict with attempts to deal with climate change and many other environmental ills. Apart from driving the UK into unsustainable debt, this new prime minister is demonstrating a lack of regard for our environment.

Politicians and, sadly but not surprisingly, many members of the public just don’t get it. I urge both the public and the borough councillors not to fall for the growth myth.

Peter Bloyce

Old Basing