A BASINGSTOKE shopping centre will no longer light up green in memory of a young boy from Basingstoke. 

As previously reported, Thomas Stewart Keen, who sadly died on July 1 at just 18-months-old  in his parents arms. 

In April 2022, Thomas had a seizure which wouldn't stop. He was transferred from Basingstoke hospital to a specialist children’s hospital, John Radcliffe, in Oxford. 

After genetic testing it was confirmed he had POLG, a rare form of mitochondrial disease that had been unknowingly inherited from his parents.

READ MORE: Festival Place to light up in memory of young boy and World Mitochondrial Disease Week

Festival Place's tower was meant to light up green later this month in memory of Thomas and to support World Mitochondrial Disease Week. However, following Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II death last week, Thomas's family have been notified that the tower will be now lit purple in tribute to the Queen. 

The shopping centre has apologised and reassured that they will support World Mitochondrial Disease Week by lighting up their tower green next year.