TRANSPORT secretary Grant Shapps has faced criticism after he proposed that cyclists should have to display number plates and buy insurance.

His proposal also suggested that cyclists should also have to face prosecution for breaking road speed limits.

When the Gazette asked readers on Facebook their thoughts on this, the response was mixed, with some readers thinking that the proposal was a good idea.

Gareth Hughes was one of them, saying: “Sounds good to me.

READ MORE: Man due in court accused of riding bike along motorway

“Maybe the people walking in the cycle lanes by Eastrop Park with headphones in or looking down at phones and not where they are going could also be made accountable for?”

Steve Mason said: “No to road tax but 100 per cent yes to a number plate.

“They should be able to be identified if using the road.

“Maybe it would stop them going through red lights and generally ignoring the Highway Code.”

While Sandi Brewer was also against taxing cyclists, she did agree that they should have insurance and number plates.

She continued: “It should also be compulsory for them to wear helmets for the same reason as motorcyclists have to.”

Rosi Pineiro was one of the people who suggested an alternative solution.

She commented: “It would make much more sense to make it law that helmets should be worn.

“I find it mad that cyclists with zero protection from other motorists aren’t made to at the very least protect their brains.”

Meanwhile, Dmitry Gramoteyev called the suggestion “laughable”.

He continued: “Bikes are promoted as alternative to cars, it is expected to have more cyclists – and yes, now you can tax them too.”

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Sheree Griffin said: “I'm sure the industry companies are very interested in this.

“With most UK residents strapped for cash many may have given up their cars to save money or have started cycling for the good of their health or the good of the planet. Why not make some money out of them?”

Steve Rolfe called the idea “another crazy idea from an even crazier government. Trying to distract us from seeing how badly they are running the country.”

Shelagh Finch said: “The police cannot apprehend bad car drivers, burglars etc, how on earth are they going to deal with bad cyclists?”