PLANS to open a new fish and chip shop in a residential area in Basingstoke have been rejected by councillors after neighbours complained about the potential smell.

Basingstoke Fishy Delishy Ltd submitted the planning application for change of use of a ground floor unit in Greenlands Road into a unit to allow hot food takeaway.

The application was seeking permission for installing extraction duct and internal alterations.

READ MORE: Best places for fish and chips in Basingstoke

However, the borough council's development control committee decided to reject the application based on a recommendation from planning officers.

Officers said the proposed extraction duct, as a result of its location, size, scale, and design would represent an 'incongruous form of development' that would harm the character and appearance of the building and be detrimental to the visual amenities of the street scene.

The committee was also told that the proposed duct by virtue of its size, design and siting would also cause noise impacting neighbouring properties, particularly the two external balconies above the rear of the application site.

The application was brought to the attention of the committee after Sherborne St John and Rooksdown ward councillor David McIntyre put it forward for review.

Cllr McIntyre said he believed the applicant had "made more than enough effort to address officer's concerns". He added: "I believe there is an overall benefit that the change of use would bring to the community."

Residents were divided on the plan, with 28 comments recieved by the council – 15 objecting and 13 supporting.

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Douglas Lusty, one of the neighbours who spoke before the committee, said: “I'm opposed to the noise and the vibration that will affect our property. I'm opposed to the fumes that will come from the shop because we would have no fresh air. Days like this [in summer] we need our windows open. And we're gonna be assailed by the smell of fish and chips. It's not acceptable.”