A LONG-RUNNING annual cricket cup is coming to an end after more than 50 years.

The final game of the Don Lynch Aylward cricket cup will take place on Thursday, July 28 at 6pm.

The game will take place at Hartley Wintney Cricket Club grounds and will be between HWCC and Finchampstead Cricket Club.

Cup secretary Chris Stanley explained that the cup is coming to an end due to the large number of other competitions, and due to the age of those who have been running the cup, saying “We’re facing reality.”

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He continued: “Gradually, as the Hampshire League has introduced new competitions, new mid-week competitions, it’s something that has gradually gone out of fashion.

“Plus, we lost our treasurer this year, Brian Wilson, who was in his 80s.

“I’m the youngest at 79; you can’t go on forever.

“The cup is coming to an end because there are lots of other competitions.

“It’s made it harder and harder for us to attract teams.”

Chris, who has acted as secretary for the past 35-years, said that he feels “very sad” about the cup ending.

He continued: “But it’s something, lots of the competitions now are really good, plus the number of colts games that are now played has increased.

“So, the youngsters are in now, and we’ve got to make room for them.

“Again, it was something we looked at and we thought that this is one competition too many.

“And that’s what we decided, so we thought ‘let’s make a good finish of it’”.

The match will conclude with a barbeque at HWCC to celebrate the cups life.

The barbeque will be open to any who would like to attend for a low price.

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The Don Lynch Aylward Cup started in the 1950s under the name The Hartley Wintney District Cup and continued for many years in various forms.

The competition saw different teams from around Hartley Wintney and Hook area play against each other, with 15 players from the teams selected to play against Hampshire Cricket Club at Hartley Wintney.

The cup later developed into the Aylward Cup, before being renamed to the Don Lynch Aylward cup in honour of chairman Don Lynch after he died.

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