With the end of term last week, the Basingstoke Gazette and Andover Advertiser asked parents to send in photos of their year 6 leavers.

Taking to Facebook, we asked parents to share pictures of their children, as well as share how they feel about their kids starting secondary school next term.

Parents responded by sending in lovely photos of their children, often reflecting on how much they have grown.

Basingstoke resident Amy Henwood posted a photo of her daughter and her friends, writing: “Feeling very emotional and excited at the same time to for the new adventures ahead.”

READ MORE: Children at Basingstoke infant school delighted with nature theme mosaic

Kasia Tokarska, also from Basingstoke, sent in a picture of her children, saying: “It is time to agree that 'my babies' have grown!”

Meanwhile, Steph Jordan posted a photo of her daughter at her graduation from Merton Juniors, while Kelly Coleman from Andover sent in a pair of photos of her daughter on her last day of year 6.

A message from the editor

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