A PRESCHOOL in Basingstoke has been nominated for an award after children spent time with elderly residents in the community.

Cornerstone Miss Muffet in Popley has been nominated for the ‘Clarion Futures & Incommon’s Age Friendly Award’.

The nomination came from the manager of Magnolia Court care home, Lorraine, who thought that the ‘Intergenerational Programme’ between the nursery children and elderly residents was so lovely and needed to be recognised especially after a difficult few years for the residents.

Basingstoke Gazette: Residents from Magnolia Court making Crafts with the children from Cornerstone Miss MuffetResidents from Magnolia Court making Crafts with the children from Cornerstone Miss Muffet

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She said it was nice to see them interacting with the children and happy.

Carolyn Martyn, manager of Cornerstone Miss Muffet, said: "We are very lucky with our neighbours in Popley, we have built a lovely sense of community with Magnolia & Abbey Court & also St Bede's School.”

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All the team and children at Cornerstone Miss Muffet enjoy their visits with the residents, singing songs, making crafts and communicating.

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