AN OFF-duty Hampshire Police officer who saved a man's life has been nominated for a national award.

PC Jordan Janaway dragged the injured and violent man off a busy motorway carriage on November 14 2020.

She had only been a police officer for two months at this time but was willing to help the man at "great risk" to herself.

Now, her efforts will be recognised at the National Police Bravery Awards, held in July.

Hampshire Police Federation Chair, Zoë Wakefield said: “Jordan showed immense bravery and integrity by stopping to assist with this incident while off-duty, at great risk to herself.

“She was only months into being a police officer and had no personal protection equipment whatsoever.

“Jordan almost certainly prevented this man’s death by pulling him out of the live carriageway and then keeping him down, even though he was a large, strong man. We are very proud of her actions.”

PC Janaway was driving along the M3 to get to work.

As she approached Winchester, she saw a vehicle parked in the hatched area that separates the slip road from the first lane of the motorway.

She then saw a man in front of the vehicle, frantically waving his arms.

There was another man lying on the ground, partially in the live lane which she in, and she had to brake hard to avoid hitting him.

After positioning her vehicle in a safe place, she assisted the driver of the stopped vehicle, who said the man had stepped out in front of him and he had hit him.

They both dragged the man out of the live lane and to relative safety on the hard shoulder.

The injured man was bleeding from his head but was conscious.

Another motorist approached and said the injured man had tried to attack him with a hammer - which was in lane two - and that the man had also been fighting with someone else.

The injured man started to talk and made an attempt to get up and move towards the carriageway, so PC Janaway and the member of the public restrained him to stop him moving into the live lane.

The injured man then started to try to pull PC Janaway down towards him, attempting to sexually assault her, and she had to use further force on him to prevent it.

The man was restrained until on-duty officers arrived and handcuffed him.

It transpired the man had attacked his father with a hammer immediately prior to this while in a van on the M3 and had tried to attack others in a violent mental health crisis.

PC Janaway will attend a reception and an awards ceremony in London in July.