A BASINGSTOKE charity promoting healthy food and wellbeing has been awarded funding.

Inspero has received £14,132 from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation (HIWCF).

The funding will help the charity train the staff and volunteer team to provide services to young people including ‘up-skilling’ and helping those with learning disabilities to live more independent and positive lives.

Catherine Waters-Clark, chief executive of Inspero said: “Thank you to HIWCF, this grant will give Inspero the capability to further develop our education and wellbeing programs for local children and adults as well as train up our dedicated volunteer team for future service sustainability.”

Inspero is one of 35 charities, community groups and voluntary organisations throughout Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to receive funding.

Each of the charities has helped vulnerable people whose lives have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2021, HIWCF enabled funding of nearly £2 million in total throughout Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.