A HOUSING developer has shared proposals to build up to 140 new homes in Bramley in Basingstoke.

Wates Developments have shared proposals for the new homes to be built on land at Stocks Farm, The Street in Bramley Hampshire.

The new homes could include 40 acres of new open space, community facilities and 56 affordable homes alongside a number of initiatives, which have been designed to respond to the Council’s Climate Change Emergeny.

The 52-acre site, of which 76 per cent would become public open space, would see extensive walking routes, a trim trail and a 2km Junior Park Run route.

In addition, the proposals include a new skate park and bowling green, which have previously been identified as a need in the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan.

New allotments would also be provided to help with the local waiting list alongside orchards to be enjoyed by the whole community.

Holly Gardiner, senior land and planning manager for Wates Developments, said: “We are excited to share our proposals in response to the identified housing shortage around Basingstoke. Wates Developments is preparing an outline planning application for up to 140 new family (including 56 affordable) and will offer extensive on-site facilities.

“We welcome the views of the community as we want to ensure that we can deliver meaningful community benefits associated with our scheme.”

In response to the Climate Change Emergency a community co-working centre providing desk spaces to hire with a community run café is also proposed. The area could also include electric vehicle charging points and an electric car club.

Wates have not yet submitted a full planning application.

The proposals are due to be discussed by Bramley Parish Councils planning committee on Tuesday, November 9.

The proposals will be discussed by the full council on November 16.