MYSTERIOUS lights were spotted over Basingstoke on Saturday night, with suggestions ranging from shooting stars to aliens, Santa’s sleigh.

Residents enjoyed the array of colourful lights, visible from many areas of town.

Harry Webster captured the scene over Winklebury, and when the Gazette shared the footage it was met with hundreds of comments.

Keiran O’grady wrote: “I watched it by chance as I looked out my window, free surprise. I initially thought it was a plane coming down. Then it went up and down, loop the loop. Quite spectacular.”

Lauren Blaxill added: “Can we just take a moment to appreciate how lovely it was to watch.”

Now, the Gazette can reveal that the source of the lights in the sky was a company called Airborne Pyrotechnics.

The father and son display team put on two shows on the evening of Saturday, July 24 - one for a wedding near Lasham and the other over Tisbury.

Mike Read snapped these stunning pictures of the display over Tisbury at 9.20pm.

So no alien invasions, but a wonderful sight all the same.