A BRAND new dating educational facility in Basingstoke has opened its doors to struggling singles desperate to find love.

Dating can be a daunting experience especially during a pandemic when our social lives have come to a halt and we’ve been used to connecting with people online.

The Director of the new educational facility, Carrie Lorenz, founded the Academy after many years of being a frustrated single disheartened when she could not find love.

She told the Gazette: “It all started because I really, really struggled with dating. I always blamed outside circumstances until I did a lot of personal development and I learnt that the reason why was single wasn’t because of other people, it was because of me. Only when I started working on myself, did I started to be more successful with dating and finding someone.”

Carrie believes everyone should learn more about dating and we shouldn’t just be expected to know how to date properly.

The love expert continued: “I think it’s lack of clarity and lack of dating without intention. People are like okay I want a boyfriend or girlfriend and then they sign up to a load of apps and swipe like crazy and there’s not enough conscious effort put in.

“They haven’t learned how to communicate or create great profiles, they do it half-heartedly.

“I just want people to know it is okay to ask for help because how should you know any of this, no one teaches you.”

The new Dating Academy offers a wide range of seminars, workshops and weekend transformations covering self-love to empowerment, communication and sexual confidence.

Carrie said: “The reason I set up the Academy, instead of a one-to-one coaching system, is because I want it to make it accessible for everyone.

“Not many people have a couple of grand laying around to pay for a dating coach, so the seminars are affordable for an everyday person who really does want to find love but is struggling.

“A lot of people spend their time swiping every night but they can spend two hours with me and it’s an investment for themselves.”

Visit the Dating Academy website here for more information.