A number of knitted NHS banners can be spotted around lampposts in Basingstoke.

The heartwarming gesture has used the power of wool to spread the message of support for the health service in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Photographer Ian Longthorne snapped several of the items around Buckskin, Viables and Stratton Park. 

He said: "I started spotting these eye-catching knittings last week so I started to take pictures of them."

"Via a local community website, I found a friend of the knitter who says she has been putting them up around the area to show appreciation for the NHS."

He added: "They displayed a nice message with a striking design. It's nice there are people out there taking the time to show support for the NHS."

The exact identity of the mystery knitter is not known at this stage.

  • Do you know who it is? Email newsdesk@basingstokegazette.co.uk