VILLAGERS in Sherborne St John have spotted an unusual visitor roaming the streets during lockdown - and this week they appear to have brought a friend.

Over the past month, a ‘dinosaur’ has been seen at various times of day and on many different streets.

Residents have also come across ‘dinosaur’ eggs and nests on the village green, and even spotted some unusual footprints leading from to the village hall.

Shawna Campbell, a trustee at Sherborne St John Village Hall, told the Gazette that it has been “an absolutely lovely thing for children and adults to see in these troubled times”.

She added: “Everyone tries to catch a glimpse of the green monster!”

This week, a baby brown ‘dinosaur’ has now been spotted alongside the green one, renewing the buzz within the community.

Shawna says she doesn’t think the visits have been arranged by any particular organisation, but that someone in the village has taken it upon themself to bring a smile to people’s faces during the difficult lockdown period.