A BASINGSTOKE gym has hit back after concerns were raised about it operating during the coronavirus lockdown.

Elite-Bodyworks, on Bessemer Road, has told the Gazette it is operating under government guidance by running outdoor, one-on-one personal training sessions only on site, and everything else online.

James Smith, director, said: “We appreciate that this is a sensitive subject and absolutely should be clarified that what we’re doing is within the guidelines, but we’re also keen to stress that we’ve been doing nearly 95 per cent of everything online for the past year.

“We’ve offered zoom workouts for free this whole time, given all our equipment out to members and tried out best to keep people’s mental health in as positive a state as possible.

“Only staff have been able to access the facility if they’ve been unable to run their online sessions from home.”

It comes after a local resident told the Gazette they had seen “gatherings” at the unit and “several people going in and out” of the gym.

They added: “We’re all desperate to get back to some sort of normal but, with this happening, it’s not going to be any time soon.

“It is just absolutely shocking! I think myself and other residents have just about had enough.”

The resident said they had reported the gym to the police.

A spokesperson for Hampshire Constabulary said: "We received an anonymous report at 1:46pm on Sunday 31 January about a potential breach of the current Health Protection Regulations at a business address on Bessemer Road in Basingstoke.

"The incident has been passed to local officers for noting. Officers plan their patrols based on the information that is provided to us by the public."

However, government guidance states that: “Personal training can continue if participants are from the same household or support bubble.

“It can also continue if it is one-on-one, although this should only take place in a public outdoor place, and not in someone’s private home or garden.”

James added that Elite-bodyworks has sought guidance from Environmental Health Basingstoke, who confirmed there are “no issues” with one-on-one PT sessions carried out outdoors.

Can gyms stay open during lockdown?

In short no. The national restrictions brought in by the government on January 4 stated that all indoor and outdoor sports venues were to close (including gyms, tennis courts, golf courses and swimming pools).

However, outdoor exercise, once per day, is permitted. People can do this with one other person from a different household, provided that social distancing is maintained.

Therefore, “personal training can continue if participants are from the same household or support bubble. It can also continue if it is one-on-one, although this should only take place in a public outdoor place, and not in someone’s private home or garden.”

Sport England provides further clarity, adding: “Any coaches or trainers undertaking sessions should ensure they’re complying with relevant national governing body safeguarding policies and procedures and conduct a thorough risk assessment before engaging in any sessions. This should include particular consideration for under-18s and vulnerable adults.

“A coach/personal trainer can see multiple clients on the same day, as the coach/PT would be in attendance for work purposes. Social distancing must be always maintained and clients shouldn’t overlap with one another.”