DOG owners have been issued a warning after muddy woodland walks have caused serious illness to pets nearby.

Potential cases of Alabama rot, which dogs develop in rare instances after muddy woodland walks, have been reported across the country.

Alabama Rot is a dog disease which has an unknown cause and can affect all breeds no matter their breed, age or weight.

If not spotted early, it can lead to sudden and potentially fatal kidney failure.

According to Vets4pets only eight cases have been reported within a twenty mile radius of Basingstoke in the past. 

It is suspected that the disease is picked up on the paws and legs on muddy walks, so dog owners are being urged to wash off all mud from their four-legged friends as soon as they get home.

Burghfield and Goring Veterinary Surgeries wrote on social media yesterday: “We haven't had any diagnosed cases of Alabama rot, but we are aware that there are suspected cases in the local area. Cases usually present with multiple large lesions on the feet/extremities and muzzle, this can progress to lethargy, inappetence and a high temperature.

“Please remember Alabama rot remains extremely rare and most sores on the feet /muzzle are due to injury /bites or stings. We unfortunately do not know the cause of Alabama rot, but there seems to be a link with cases and recent walks in wet muddy woodlands. Please wash your dogs feet as a precaution after walking them in these areas. “

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