OUR LIVES are entering the second month of third lockdown.

What we once, a year ago, thought was going to be a couple of weeks break from normal life to help the NHS get back on its feet after Covid broke out, is set to continue for a couple more months to come.

But on a positive note, it’s a different situation from the first lockdown. The Pfizer and the Oxford vaccines are now being widely distributed in England, with over five million people now been given their first dose.

The positivity was evident on the photos shared by members of Basingstoke Gazette Camera Club on Facebook.

This month we asked the members to share photographs related to new hobbies. Although the snowfall on last Sunday covered the Facebook group with white photos, there were many members who shared their new hobbies captured on photographs.

This includes going on a walk, watching birds, and photography itself. A few of the best photos have been selected for this edition.

Each month, we set our members our camera club a theme, and at the end of that month we then print the best photos in the paper, as well as on our website. It’s free and easy to join. Simply search ‘Basingstoke Gazette Camera Club’ on Facebook. Congratulations to everyone who had their picture printed this month. February’s theme will be announced on the page soon.