PART of an installation of 40,000 model figures representing those who have been injured in the military over the last 20 years is coming to Basingstoke this Saturday.

The Help for Heroes 40,000 Strong model force was on display at Manchester’s Arndale Centre, and is now being sold off to raise money for the charity as it calls for an independent review of the Armed Forces medical discharge process.

The display was created to represent almost 40,000 men and women who have had to leave the military over the last two decades because of injury and illness.

More than 25 per cent of these have been since the end of the war in Afghanistan, despite the British Armed Forces not being engaged in active conflict during this period.

Help for Heroes is calling on the government to review the existing medical discharge process to ensure those forced to leave the military because of injures or illness are given the best possible opportunity to transition well into civilian life.

On Saturday, a section of the charity's display will be in Festival Place outside Next for the public to visit and donate to receive their own figure, which will help support wounded veterans, service personnel and their families.

Mel Waters, chief executive officer of Help for Heroes, said: “Injuries have ended 40,000 military careers in 20 years and every day this number grows. Many of them tell us that their transition impacted significantly on their health, wellbeing and family.

“The medical discharge process is seriously failing those who are let down by major inconsistencies in support, so we’re calling on the government to commission an independent review of the process to close those gaps. With the public’s support, we’re on a mission to ensure every wounded hero has the best opportunity to stand strong in civilian life.”