A HATCH WARREN primary school has said thanks after a civil engineering firm went about improving its facilities.

St Mark’s CofE Primary School was visited by staff members from Tithegrove Ltd as the firm is carrying out work at Kennel Farm near the school.

As some of the drainage in the school site is poor with pathways that are liable to flood, an alternative path has been put in to improve access to the playground and classrooms.

In another area, Tithegrove laid tarmac in a playground which formerly had wooden stepping stones which had become rotten and unsafe.

Another unused area was also tarmacked, with plans for new bike racks.

Headteacher Charles Applegate said: “We’re so grateful for the generosity of Tithegrove. They have dug deep in their pockets to dig out several areas of our site, much improving the access and usability of these areas.”