LAST Wednesday, 30 Year 10 GCSE art and 3D design students at Everest Community Academy visited Kew Gardens.

We were given a task list which we had to complete for our GCSE project. We were also given a list of places and exhibits to visit including The Hive, Princess of Wales Conservatory, Davies Alpine House, the Waterlily and Palm Houses.

There were several challenges of the day whether that was navigating around the gardens, getting the courage to attempt the Tree Top Walk Way or simply my camera fogging up in the palm house.

The students loved the day away from school however; we weren’t too fond of the walking! We were fascinated by the wildlife on site including squirrels, peacocks and a very friendly lizard in the Princess of Wales Conservatory, who the students called Brian.    

It was a great day except for the gift shop prices which were a bit out of our price range.

Photos and feature by Pyran Watson