A CONSULTATION is underway on installing an underground pipeline through Hampshire.

Esso is undertaking a consultation on the preferred route for its underground Southampton to London aviation fuel pipeline and associated project proposals.

This will replace 90km of the existing 105km pipeline that runs from its Fawley Refinery near Southampton to its West London Terminal storage facility in Hounslow.

The consultation now open provides opportunities for anyone to comment on the project and to learn more about its plans, including:

•The preferred route of the underground replacement pipeline;

•The location of above ground infrastructure, such as isolation valves and inspection stations;

•A preliminary view on potential environmental impacts, based on expert research to date; and

•Preliminary project management and installation plans.

A series of consultation events are also being held across the county.

The preferred route is split into eight sections:

•Section A – Boorley Green to Bramdean

•Section B – Bramdean to South of Alton

•Section C – South of Alton to Crondall

•Section D – Crondall to Farnborough

•Section E – Farnborough to Bisley and Pirbright Ranges

•Section F – Bisley and Pirbright Ranges to M25

•Section G – M25 to M3

•Section H – M3 to the West London Terminal storage facility in Hounslow

Esso has said it will not install the pipeline under any existing homes.

Esso project executive, Tim Sunderland, said: “We conducted an initial consultation in the spring, and over the summer we met again with potentially affected landowners, while continuing our technical work. The information we gathered helped us refine our plans.

"Now that we have a preferred route for the replacement underground pipeline and other proposals for the project, we are once again seeking the views of local communities to help shape this important project.”

Stephen Marcos Jones, director general of the UK Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA) added: “Looking to the future, our sector will continue to adapt and evolve to provide the products demanded by society.

"Projects like this will help secure the supply of aviation fuel to satisfy the UK’s significant and growing demand for air travel for both business and pleasure alike.”

The preferred pipeline route may be subject to change following the responses received from this consultation.

Esso will then submit a formal application to the Planning Inspectorate for permission to install the replacement pipeline.

The permission is called a Development Consent Order (often referred to as a DCO) and the Secretary of State of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will have the final say on the plan.

The consultation ends on Friday, 19 October.

For more information and details on how to respond go to slpproject.co.uk.