THE November meeting of Oakley and Deane WI was their annual meeting when members received a resume of the very varied meetings held and activities organised during the year.

There have been informative talks including the History and Work of the Treloar Trust and the History and Development of Longstock Water Gardens and entertainment by way of a Magic Lantern Show, and a One Woman Show.

There has also been a talk by Bourne Valley Pick Your Own, following which members enjoyed an afternoon strawberry picking and also health and craft talks as well as a fascinating one by Jean Johnson on her very vast shoe collection!

Members have also enjoyed various outings including a trip to Bournemouth with afternoon tea at a WI in the New Forest, a visit to the Chelsea Royal Hospital and the Physic Garden, walks and skittles as well as the regular bridge, craft and scrabble sessions.

The evening continued with reports on recent activities including a very successful jumble sale, the group skittles competition and the federation autumn meeting held at The Anvil, when the guest speakers were the author Santa Montefiore and Paul Atterbury from The Antiques Roadshow.

Following the election of the committee for the next year and the remaining regular business, members enjoyed a social cheese and wine evening.

An equally varied and enjoyable programme has been arranged for 2010 and any guests or new members will be made most welcome.

The WI meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Andover Road Village Hall from 7.30pm to 9.45pm.