BRIGHTON Hill Jubilee Celebration – Picnic in the Park: Will take place in the open space behind ASDA and the church on Saturday, June 2, between noon and 4pm, with a formal opening by the mayor at 1.30pm.

This will be a free event that is available for the whole of the Brighton Hill community to enjoy.

There will be lots of free activities and entertainment including Basingstoke Silver Band, hoola hoop display, Punch and Judy, informal games/races, displays and competitions.

Bring your own picnic or buy cream teas or strawberries and cream from the Café Dome.

GENTLE exercise at the Church of Christ the King: This weekly class each Monday, between 2.30pm and 3.30pm has now resumed and is open to everyone to come along to enjoy and meet new people. A 50p donation per session. Contact Rita with any queries on 01256 324205.

ASDA’S recent Help the Heroes fundraising event: Raised a fabulous total of £2,081.95. Thanks to everyone who contributed.