DAN is new deputy: Hatch Warren and Beggarwood borough councillor Dan Putty has been elected to serve as the borough’s new deputy mayor. Cllr Putty has asked me to pass on his thanks to voters for returning him for another four years.

KENNEL Farm consultation: Along with other local councillors, I attended the consultation by Wates Builders last weekend on their proposed Kennel Farm development.

We raised questions about the effect on the local infrastructure and the potential impact on traffic on the A30 in particular. Wates’ ideas include plans for an additional set of traffic lights to accommodate the entrance/exit into the development on the A30.

VOLUNTEERS needed: Basingstoke NeighbourCare is looking for volunteers in the Hatch Warren and Beggarwood area.

They will be holding an information session at the community centre tomorrow, from 10am until noon.