CRICKET: Players and learners of all ages are needed to join our club in the village. Contact Nigel Jones on 0118 9701481 for details of membership and net practices. All league matches are on Saturday afternoons. The first match is this Saturday, at 2pm.

DIAMOND Jubilee: Plans are well in hand for a Garden Party at the Calleva Arms on Sunday, June 3; a picnic on the common on Monday, June 4.

FOOTBALL: On Sunday, at 10.30am, when Silchester play Little London. Come along and give your support, there will be a collection for our local hospice.

VILLAGE Market: This Saturday, from 10am to noon. Cakes, breads, vegetables, butcher and more, plus Sally the barber.

WINCHESTER Road Show: In church on Saturday, when you can hear and see all about our cathedral.

The show starts at 7.30pm.

FUN Run: Saturday, May 12, starting at 11am, register on the day please.