BAUGHURST Parish Council: Meets tonight in Heath End Village Hall at 7.30pm. All residents are welcome to attend.

BADGERS Wood pub: Jimmy Rocket will be performing a mixture of music and comedy from about 8pm on Saturday.

HEATH End Gardening Club: Will be meeting at Heath End Village Hall on Tuesday, at 8pm.

WOLVERTON Village Hall: Holds its monthly market on Saturday, December 5, starting at 9.30am.

ADVENT: There is a “Welcome Advent” event taking place at St Stephen’s Church on Saturday, December 5, from 10.30am to 1pm.

Drop in for a friendly get-together with mince pies. There will be cake, gifts and tombola stalls. All are very welcome.

Donations towards stalls are most appreciated.

Please ring Roz on 0118 9815246, Catherine on 01256 850195 or Rowena on 0118 9813528.

HEATH End Village Hall: On Sunday, December 13, at 3pm, the Theatre of Widdershins will be putting on a family show called The King’s Got Donkey’s Ears!, an epic tale of heroes, heroines and hairdressers!

Tickets cost £5, and include refreshments, and are available from 0118 9813450 or 0118 9814858.