DANEBURY Road: Hatch Warren has a lollipop man on Danebury Road close to St Mark’s Primary School but it seems that a small number of motorists are refusing to obey his requests to stop to let children cross.

St Mark’s School is asking everyone to respect the crossing patrol and help to keep the children safe.

CHRISTMAS crafts activities and show: The community association is putting on a Christmas Craft Activity Special and Whingerella show on December 5, from 10.30am to 4pm.

The show starts at 2pm, and is staged by Myths and Legwarmers, a local touring company. They describe it as “a change from the panto”!

For further details, and to book tickets, please contact the community office on 811262.

HATCH Warren Junior School: The school is repeating its success by inviting the Travelling Book Fair back from November 25 until November 30.

Also, an important date is approaching – the annual governors/parents discussion evening which is being held at the school on Wednesday, starting at 7pm. If you want to know more about how the governors plan to take the school forward, this is a chance to ask them.

LITTLE Angels: Immanuel Church's popular parent and toddler group is now called Little Angels and meets at the community centre. They will be there on Thursday, December 3, and Thursday, December 17, from 10.30am until noon.

After Christmas, they will meet every Thursday except during school holidays.