SALTIRE Swing: Warm up a dark Friday evening by shaking out your dancing shoes and joining the Hook and District branch of the North East Hampshire Conservative Association at Tylney Park Golf Club, in Rotherwick, tomorrow night for a special St Andrew’s Day dinner and dance.

Complete with piper and four-course dinner of Scottish fare (beef and salmon feature strongly!) tickets are £30 each, including wine.

Full instructions and walk-throughs on all dances will be provided by our own Jonathan Glen and his charming wife!

Ticket availability can be confirmed by ringing Tony Whittaker on 769063 or Keith Locke on 761280.

CHRISTMAS fair: Deck the halls with boughs of holly and anything else you can find at the Grand Christmas Fair up the road at West Green House!

Open from now until December 13, from 11am to 4pm Wednesdays through Sundays, the fair features everything for the gardener from great practical garden gear to plant supports, planters, and even stocking fillers!

There are gifts, candles and decorations chosen in Paris and Frankfurt all priced under £10, and in the glasshouses you can find plants, flowers, topiaries and Christmas trees decorated with fairies!

Join your friends for that special pre-Christmas treat with lunch or afternoon tea among the flowers.

Free admission to the garden and fair!

Further information is available from west greenhouse. or by calling 01252 844611 or 01252 845582.