FLOODING: Several residents of Chineham are not surprisingly concerned to learn that the Environment Agency is suggesting that their houses might be in danger of flooding.

So far, this has not proved to be a significant problem, despite Chineham being virtually cut off through flood water in recent times.

However, insurance companies are looking at the situation somewhat unhelpfully.

Residents, who in part believe the brook is not satisfactorily maintained, propose to lobby this month’s parish council meeting having, in some cases, also already contacted our local MP about the matter.

REMINDER: Linguatastic, the local language-learning organisation will be holding a free taster session at the Chineham Village Hall community rooms this coming Saturday, from 10am to noon, where children of all ages are invited to join in the fun activities including singing, games and crafts.

Taster places are limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

If you don’t manage to book a place, it will still be possible to drop in and view activities on the day, without notice. Another taster session will be held on Wednesday, July 29.

CHRIST Church activities: The church’s monthly prayer meeting will take place this Monday, from 8pm to 9pm.

Everyone is welcome to join in. The ladies from Christ Church will be meeting at the Chineham Arms on Monday, from 8pm. For further information, contact Ruth on 474280.

CHINEHAM Village Club: Quiz Night is back at the club this Saturday, starting at 8pm in the lounge bar. Come along and test your knowledge.