OAKLEY Pedalers are in action again this evening for another of the regular Thursday rides. Meet at the pond at 6pm for an informal trip around the area of about one hour. Please wear your helmet.

For more information, please contact Ken Robson at oakley-pedalers@dashnet.net.

On Saturday, a morning ride is scheduled. To join Ken’s ride, meet at the pond at 10.30am. For more details, contact Ken as above.

AN OPEN access playscheme: Will run at Oakley Junior School on August 3, 4, 6 and 7 (not August 5), from 2pm to 4pm. The project is assisted by Basingstoke and Deane.

The scheme, organised by the Basingstoke Play Council, costs 75p per child per session, and will include arts, crafts, sports and drama.

It is open to those between the ages of five and 15 years, and children under five can attend if accompanied by a parent/carer.

There are limited supported places for children with additional needs at selected schemes.

For more details, contact Victoria, at The Play Council, on 01256 844846.

UNWANTED items: We all have too much “stuff”. Much of it is usable, but perhaps not saleable, so to keep your unwanted items out of landfill sites explore Freecycle.

This is a worldwide site with local groups. The Basingstoke site has a lot of Oakley members who offer and request all sorts of items. All items must be offered free to the collector and keeping it local saves petrol too. Google Basingstoke Freecycle to find out more.