U3A (University of the Third Age): A special U3A event was held at Hill Rise Hall on September 17.

As treasurer, my main responsibility was collect-ing £8 affiliation fee and £1 for the monthly meeting.

Usually at monthly meetings there is a speaker and people pay £1.

Brighton Hill U3A should soon be accepted for full membership of the U3A. Twenty people paid to join, meaning a good start has been made towards forming a new, permanent branch.

I have joined U3A poetry group because I enjoy reading and writing poetry. U3A Brighton Hill aims to introduce new interest groups for members to join.

HILL Rise Hall quiz night: On September 20, I asked to join the quiz night at Hill Rise Hall, so that I could report on the event.

Jenny Smith, the manager, introduced me to three enthusiasts, who form the successful team "Give us a Clue". I managed to get started with one question right, ie the Canary Islands are in the Atlantic Ocean.

Questions were arranged under headings, one being music.

For example, "Who composed the Water Music", the answer being Handel. In the nature round, a question asked which bear is not really a bear, the answer being the koala bear.

We had a delicious supper at half-time, followed by a round with the title "Sweets and Chocolates".

A later round dealt with results in the Olympic Games, for example "In which event did the UK win most medals?"

The answer is rowing. Our team won and four of us received £5 each.