HELLO again! Tracey has passed the Community News column baton back to me so I'll try and keep up her good work.

JUMBLE sale: On Saturday, October 27, from 2pm, there will be a jumble sale in East Oakley Village Hall, in Hill Road.

Friends of Oakley Infant School are offering bric-a-brac, clothes, cakes, a raffle and a tombola, all to raise funds for the school.

The entrance fee is 20p.

SLOW down! There is a new speed limit in force on the B3400 through Newfound. As from September 12 the 40mph limit dropped to 30mph, but the signs still say 40mph, and so do the signs on the wheelie bins of residents.

BIG clean-up day in Oakley: Is on Saturday, October 4, from 9am onwards, when everyone can get involved in making Oakley a cleaner and tidier place. For children there will be a treasure hunt with prizes.

More details next week, or you can visit the village website or contact the parish clerk on 780886.

THE flu season is almost here again: If you are over 65, or particularly at risk, contact the surgery for details of the vaccination clinics. The first clinic in Oakley is next Wednesday.