COFFEE morning: This Friday, why not join in the biggest coffee morning ever?

Pop along to Melrose Hall, between 9.30am and noon, and sample home-made cakes and make new friends as well as helping the Wessex Cancer Ward at Basingstoke hospital.

The Friendly cafe has changed its day from Thursday to Friday this week, so that everyone can join in.

If coffee and cake is not your thing but you wish to donate, then just pop in and make a donation.

For more information, call 01256 420676.

HALLOWE'EN is fast approaching: On October 31, at Popley Fields, there will be a family night of Hallowe'en.

For more information, call 01256 414494.

CAR boot sales: These are no longer taking place at Popley Fields Centre, as the response over the summer was very poor. The three charities which organised the sales decided to call it a day.

ROADWORKS: Please do not forget that the Aldermaston Road Roundabout has one side of the road shut under the A339 and that it will take you a lot longer to get where you are going.

Please drive with consideration.

MELROSE Hall: Is starting a bingo club on October 2. It will be on Thursdays, doors open at 7pm and eyes down at 7.30pm.

The evening will consist of two sessions of bingo, a short tea break in the middle and a raffle.

Entrance will be 50p.

If bingo is your thing, then why not pop along and enjoy the moment?

For more details, call 01256 420676.