TIME-TRAVEL: Last Friday evening, we were transported back to the late 1950s to witness the curious events that took place at Mrs Gerrish's Guesthouse.

It really was a lovely evening of nostalgia and fun, with skilful use of music that created just the right atmosphere.

IRELAND: Irish music and singing were heard last Friday at The Fox.

We enjoyed a delicious hot buffet of traditional Irish dishes as we listened to the band Kaholy.

It was standing room only in the bar and some revellers even got up to dance - or should I say jig - around the pub.

QUIZ: The winning team from last Sunday's pub quiz was "Low Class", which consisted of Pauline and Neil Claessens and Katherine and Tim Walker-Arnott.

HORTICULTURAL society: Is holding its spring show on Saturday, March 29, at Ellisfield Memorial Hall.

All members are encouraged to enter as many of the classes as they wish, but entry forms should be with committee members by 6pm on Wednesday.

Classes include spring flowers, arts and crafts, and domestic items such as jams, chutneys, cakes and bread.

AGM and social: Ellisfield Ladies will hold an AGM at Ellisfield Memorial Hall on Wednesday, from 8pm.

All members are invited.

The intention is to complete the business part as soon as possible and get on with some serious socialising. Take your £5 subscription with you.