JUMBLE sale: The jumble sale, held on March 15, raised more than £340 for hall funds.

Many thanks to all those who helped, gave jumble and, especially, those who came along and bought things that afternoon, as without all of you jumble sales would be non-events!

VARIETY on Parade: The last theatre evening of this season was a sell-out.

The Olde Tyme Players entertained us with another very good show.

The audience laughed at the jokes and joined in with well-known and nostalgic songs.

I look forward to the new season in the autumn.

CALLEVA WI: At last week's meeting, which was the AGM, Carol Wood was elected president.

This WI meets on the second Tuesday of the month, at Mortimer West End Village Hall, at 7.30pm.

There is a varied programme of interesting speakers and activities for all ages.

Why not come along and see for yourself? This is a very friendly group and new members and visitors are always welcome.

Next month, the speaker will be Sarah Botwright, who will be talking on "The History of London Docklands".

The date for the April meeting is Tuesday, April 8.

Call 0118 9885027 for more details.