GENTLEMEN do lunch: A correction to last week’s column – the next Lunch Club for men aged 60-plus will be held on Monday, January 26, 12.30pm, at Westside Community Centre, in Paddock Road. It costs £3.90, which covers dinner, a piece of cake and coffee or tea. Contact Nicky on 464571.

COUNCILLORS’ Surgery: The next South Ham/Berg Estate Councillors’ Surgery will be held on Friday, January 23, from 7.30pm-8.30pm at Westside Community Centre. If you require advice on housing, benefits, anti-social behaviour issues, social services, educational matters etc, no appointment is required, just call in.

CYCLING for Women: Introductory fun bike rides for ladies 50 years plus. The group meets every other Saturday, from 10am to 11am at Russell Howard Park, Pinkerton Road.

The next meeting is on Saturday, January 24. See

QUIT Smoking Clinic: The NHS quit4life stop smoking clinics run at Westside Community Centre on Wednesdays, from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.