CHAMPERS Celebration: As all is safely gathered in. A bonanza bubbly raffle will be the highlight of the annual Whitewater Harvest Supper taking place today, in the village hall, from 7.30pm.

A delicious two-course home-cooked meal, a glass of wine and all the summer catch-up chat you could want, with a cash bar to boot. There may still be a few spaces left if you hurry and ring Barbara Platt on 763234.

RINGING in your ears: Won’t be tinnitus next Monday afternoon, but a team of visiting bell-ringers from St Peter’s, Titchfield.

Organiser Phil Mummery regularly came from Sheborne St John to Rotherwick for practice in the early 1970s when the tower captain was Bill Whistler, and remembers Bill’s daughter Sue as one of the ringers. Our own lead ringer Alan Giles says Phil will notice a big difference in the way the bells handle as they were re-hung in the 1990s thanks to Bill’s fundraising efforts, and see that the ringing room has been repainted and carpeted. Listen out for them from 4.15pm for about an hour.