THE day the kids broke up from school, I went into Sainsbury’s and lo, there were shelves full of “Back to School” stationery and other paraphernalia.

“Cor blimey! (or words to that effect),” I thought. “Give the kids the chance to enjoy their school holidays first!”

And, of course, in a couple of weeks’ time, the supermarket shelves will be loaded with Christmas stuff even though it’s only August and I am still wandering around in my shorts (that’s really not a pleasant sight, I can tell you).

Of course I know that shops are subject to commercial pressures and all that but I sometimes think that we are always running into the next thing and not enjoying what we have now, at this moment.

Life is incredibly precious; each day is a gift from God.

Jesus said: “I have come that you may have life in all its fullness!”

We need to avoid the trap of living for the future but instead do our best to savour and enjoy every day we have.

–Rob Marsh