WE are at the start of a new year; it’s a year that will bring challenges, relaxation, pleasure and pain. But will it be the same as 2014?

Looking at the world around us we could easily be concerned, but much of what impacts us is outside our control.

However, on a more local level we can help to change things for the better.

My family and I have been involved in this town for nearly 40 years and I am greatly encouraged by how many more people are involved in helping and supporting others. This is a great town to live in!

The greater the need, the bigger the army of people required to meet those needs.

So, here is the challenge, what are you doing to help others? When was the last time you did something for the first time?

May I encourage you, if you are not already doing so, to give your time and talents this year to help others, to do something different, to walk a new path and be a friend?

The Bible says: “A man reaps what he sows.” So this coming year, sow goodness, be kind, be helpful and it will enrich your life.