THE Bible tells us that, “The joy of the Lord is your strength!” Do you think there is a difference between joy and happiness? If so, what is that difference, seeing that the “pursuit of happiness” seems to be a driving force of our modern society?

As a Christian friend of mine said recently, “God has never promised to make us happy. He has promised to bless us; but whether we are happy or not is up to us!”

I belong to what many would call a “happie-clappie” church. Yes, we do sing lots of joyful songs – and even sometimes clap along to them. But is that because we are all blissfully happy?

I have two friends presently in the throes of incurable cancers. I have others with chronic illnesses, financial struggles, difficulties at work and much more. Being a Christian does not shield us from the struggles that everyone faces.

However, in the midst of these struggles, there is something deep inside that brings reassurance, hope and determination.

I believe that is the “joy of the Lord”. Strangely, it is often deep in the midst of these times of struggle that we discover our own unique relationship with God and his love for us as he walks alongside us. Joy is an immensely powerful gift.

–Andy Taylor