A CAMPAIGN that offers free blood pressure testing is coming to Basingstoke after new figures showed an increase in the number of strokes in young people.

Blood Pressure UK’s Know Your Numbers campaign is hoping to encourage people aged between 25 and 64-years-old to get their blood pressure tested.

The group says in Basingstoke, 39,100 people have high blood pressure yet 47% are unaware they have it as they have never been tested.

High blood pressure causes 60 percent of strokes and is often a condition with no symptoms, so knowing your blood pressure can help tell if you are at risk and act accordingly.

In Basingstoke, the closest blood pressure stations are at SR Pharmacy in Kings Furlong Centre, Winchester Road, and Neils Pharmacy in Gilles Health Care Centre, Brighton Hill.

For more information, go to bloodpressureuk.org/microsites/kyn/Home/Freebpchecks/Findfreecheck.