EXERCISE for the older generation: Basingstoke and District Sports Trust are bringing their valuable Steady and Strong class to the community centre on a Friday, from 1pm to 2pm from September.

Designed to improve functional movement, strength, flexibility and mobility, the sessions help to increase confidence and balance. The cost is £3.50 a week. Please contact Julie Hewson on 01256 302249 for full details.

GENTLE movement for parents and young babies: Also coming to the community centre in September, is Sling Swing, a popular new class for parents and their babies in slings, designed for gentle exercise and bonding.

This class will take place on Thursdays, from 10.30am to 11.30am. Please call Natalie Cowie on 07930 152529 to find out more.

1st HOOK Guides: Are moving to a new venue in September, on Thursdays, at the Elizabeth Hall. If you are interested in joining, please call 766451.