ANNUAL barbecue: Come rain or shine the Oakley Allotment Keepers (OAKs) will be having their annual barbecue (bring-and-share) at the allotments on Saturday, July 11, from 2pm. All plot holders, family and friends welcome.

Come and join in the fun at the allotments. Please bring your own crockery, cutlery and glasses and a contribution for the barbecue.

OAKLEY Ramblers: Will be doing an evening walk on Tuesday, July 14, meeting at the school lay-by at 6.45pm, probably a very good time to walk given the heat of the last week.

OAKLEY and Deane WI: Tuesday is the night for the ladies of the village, with Oakley and Deane WI meeting at Andover Road Village Hall at 7.30pm, and Oakley Ladies also meeting at 7.30pm at a member’s home. To find out more details, go to the calendar at

OAKLEY Community Association: Produces a weekly email of events and activities in the village for residents, so if you would like to sign up, please email