HEATH End WI: Will be meeting at Heath End Village Hall on Monday, at 7.30pm. The speaker will be David Sullivan talking on My Life as a Shepherd, which is very topical with the lambing season well underway. Everyone is most welcome to join them. The cost for visitors is £3, which includes tea and biscuits.

TUESDAY Club: Meets on March 17, from 2pm to 4pm at Heath End Village Hall, for a friendly get-together with tea and home-made cakes. All are welcome to go along, and transport can be arranged. Ring Roz on 0118 9815246 or Margaret on 0118 9819067.

SKITTLES evening: St Stephen’s Church is holding a skittles evening on Friday, March 27, at the AWE Rec Soc at 7.30pm.

There will be a ploughman’s supper and raffle. Tickets are £6 for adults and £3 for children. Call Les on 0118 9813528. Entry will be by ticket only.

BAUGHURST Parish Council: Meets on Thursday, March 19, in Heath End Village Hall at 7.30pm. All residents are very welcome to attend.