BASINGSTOKE Civil Service Retirement Fellowship: The next meeting takes place at Brookvale Village Hall, from 10am to noon on Wednesday, April 1. This month’s speaker is Dr Ian Harrison, speaking about the National Railway Museum at York.

The group’s next outside trip is to Danson House, a Georgian Villa, in Bexley, with coach travel and entry to the house and garden included in the price.

All retired civil servants and their partners are welcome at the group’s meetings and further details about these can be obtained from the secretary, Tony Brazier, on 01256 418770.

BASINGSTOKE Green Week: Takes place again this September, with a number of activities in prospect, many close to our local area. These include talks and films in the Basingstoke Discovery Centre and a proposed pizza and music event in Brookvale itself.

Basingstoke Transition Network would love to hear from people interested in running their own event or wanting to help out in something already planned. Email for more information.